Become a Member


Membership in SSAM Nigeria is a privilege and not a right, and is contingent upon
compliance with the requirements specified in these Bylaws.


There shall be (9) categories of membership as follows:

A. Full: A licensed physician Anaesthetist or any specialist actively involved in airway management who has completed an approved postgraduate medical training program accredited by the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria or West African College of Surgeon or West African College of Physicians or the foreign equivalent.

B. Associate: A physician in an approved residency or training program accredited by the Accreditation Council of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria or West African College of Surgeons or West African College of Physicians or the professional equivalent, affiliated health care provider (including Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Registered Nurse, Emergency Medical Technician, Respiratory Therapist or their equivalents) or trainee in full-time training. shall qualify for associate membership.

C. Affiliate: All fully certified health care providers who are involved in resuscitation and airway management or a scientist who maintains an interest in fields related to airway management.

D. Honorary: A non-member of SAM Nigeria physician or other scientist who has attained exceptional eminence in basic or clinical sciences related to airway management, or who has made a significant contribution to SAM Nigeria and whom the Society desires to honor, shall qualify for honorary membership.

E. Emeritus: Any member who has remained in good standing for ten (10) consecutive years and has retired from professional practice may be nominated for Emeritus membership.

F. Retired: Any member who has been a continuous active member of SAM for ten (10) or more years and who has completely retired from professional practice shall qualify for retired membership.

G. Cooperate: The Board of Trustees may invite any individual, Company or Corporation engaged in the development or promotion of airway related devices and techniques or those that rendering valuable service to SAM to be a Benefactor.

H. Life: The Life membership shall be conferred upon each past-president of SAM at the
completion of the term of presidency.

I. Inactive: Any active member of SAM Nigeria unable to continue in practice because of ill
health or special circumstance, may submit written request for inactive status.


1. Fulfillment of the qualifications of the desired membership category above.
2. Payment of annual membership dues when required as dictated by desired category.
3. Participation in activities of the society in airway management.


A. SSAM Nigeria 
1. Opportunity to be part of a community of practice where you can post and discuss your challenging cases, and network with other professionals in airway management within Nigeria.
2. Contribute and participate in airway management workshops.
3. Collaborate with other members to carryout audits, surveys and research in airway management.
4. Have access to airway management equipment as donations or at reduced rates.
5. Contribute and receive SAM Nigeria quarterly newsletter.

B. SAM international

1. Be a member, where you can receive the Airway Gazette: Read and contribute to the quarterly journal
2. SAM-Forum (DocMatter): Discuss your cases with experts around the globe Airway related research
3. SAM research awards: Apply for grants to support airway related research
4. Discounted registration to -SAM Scientific Meetings and Workshops
5. Discounted Subscription to the Anesthesia & Analgesia (optional)
6. Communicate with physicians and inventors on a global level
7. Support the advancement of science and teaching in airway managementS

Note: Membership dues should be renewed on or before 15th of December, every year.


Annual Dues


Annual Dues


Annual Dues


Annual Dues